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Our 24/7 services
When you request a service from us, such as supply of electricity, we may collect information about you. Your information will be used and disclosed as set in our privacy statement.

New Self Meter Read

If we visited your property and left a card as access to your meter was restricted or unavailable, submit a self-meter read.

Track Service Orders

Use our Track Service Orders to get an update on your Connection Application, Electrical Work Request (EWR) or a Retailer Service Order (B2B).

Report an Incident

Report outages, faulty street lights, trees growing into powerlines or other issues.

Connection Application

Submit a Connection Application to connect to the Energex or Ergon distribution Network or make an alteration to an existing connection (including solar, micro-embedded or embedded generators).

Connection Enquiry

Submit an Enquiry relating to Supply Availability, Asset Relocation, Point of Attachment, and more.

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